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Buy potting soil

It is no secret that soil is necessary for growing plants. But only the most experienced of gardeners really know which of their plants need which potting soil. That's why we inform you here about the areas of application and advantages of the plant & garden soil offered by Growland, so that you are on the safe side the next time you should buy plant soil. Growland's gardening tip: Change the soil of your plants at least once a year so that the pests that settle and lay their eggs in the soil don't multiply too much and have negative effects on the growth and health of your plant. Check out our fertiliser or plant care page, as some plants need a little more care than just good soil.

Biobizz Light-Mix: This plant soil is ideal for growing young plants and seedlings as it contains only a small amount of nutrients, leaving plenty of room for the gardener to add individual fertilisers to perfectly meet the needs of the target plant. Biobizz soil is available in different sizes. The top seller is Biobizz Light-Mix 50l.

Biobizz All-Mix: In contrast to the Light-Mix version, this potting soil is rich in nutrients and is therefore particularly suitable for growing crops such as vegetables & herbs. Biobizz All-Mix soil contains a mixture of different organic fertilizers and provides a balanced nutrient supply for plants.

Canna Terra Professional: In this plant & garden soil, different types of peat are added to favour the drainage of water that the plant can no longer absorb. In addition, Canna Terra Professional favours root growth, as the roots of the plant can spread more easily due to this property (similar to gravel & clay balls). Canna Terra soil can also be used as garden soil, as it contains a high proportion of nutrients and is therefore ideal for crops and flowering plants. With the Canna Terra Seedmix growing soil 25l, Canna Terra also offers a growing soil.

Plagron Grow Mix: Is enriched with various organic fertilisers and is particularly suitable for growing crops such as tomatoes or peppers. Once again the question arises: Which soil for my tomatoes? Then Plagron Grow Mix is the perfect choice for tomatoes. But Plagron Grow Mix soil can also show its strengths for peppers, cucumbers and other vegetables.

Biobizz Worm-Humus: As the name suggests, contains worm humus, which is rich in nutrients and microorganisms. This promotes root growth and soil structure. Ideal for indoor cultivation of vegetables and herbs, as worms are not used in most cases when growing indoors. When used outdoors, depleted soil can be somewhat reconditioned with it.

Canna Bio Terra: This plant soil is completely biodegradable and contains a mixture of different organic fertilisers. An environmentally friendly alternative with balanced nutrient supply for plants.

Now that you have a good overview of the strengths and uses of the different planting & gardening soils, you can decide for yourself which planting soil suits you and your project best. Also have a look at our other soils & brands such as Hesi GrowMix, Plagron Supermix, Plagron Bat Guano or the Plagron Royal Mix. There you will find more information in the product description. Buy potting soil now and deliver the grow of your life!

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